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Get ready to experience the thrill of the track and the pump of adrenaline with Honda's latest power-packed duo. The Hornet 2.0 Repsol Edition is designed for the racer within you. With its muscular build and heart-thumping performance, it can conquer the racetrack without breaking a sweat. The Dio 125 Repsol Edition, with its sporty looks and powerful performance was made to race against convention. While your eyes are on the track, all eyes will be on you as they witness the driving force of this dynamic machine.




Clients feedback

Our happy customers give us impactfull and positive feedback on our services, customer supports & etc.

business partner, but rather a team that collaborates
with us daily, always there for us when we encounter
difficulties and celebrate achievements. We see in Alts
our best ally for success!

Jessica Sherlock

Manager, Oitaka

When we talk about Alts, we do not mean a typical business partner, but rather a team that collaborates with us daily, always there for us when we encounter difficulties and celebrate achievements. We see in Alts our best ally for success!



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